Tuesday, May 13, 2008

On my own

I'm not doing too great. Ever since Hot Mess left, I'm not eating right, I'm not getting to sleep on time, my place is a mess... And it's not like I've ever really been the queen of clean living, but when I'm in a good emotional place, I don't do too badly.

And toward the end, there, especially, H.M. was really looking out for me. He always kind of teased me about my insomnia, and we'd do a lot of eating together, but toward the end, he always made sure that I had dinner, and he'd be the first one to call me on it when I stayed up past my bedtime. I guess that was his way of showing that he cared about me as a friend. Not a bad way to show it, all told, but would that it meant something more.

And now I have this quasi-date on Saturday, which is bringing up all the old anxieties and then some, and I lack the support structure to handle it in a healthy manner. So I eat my weight in fries, and I narrowly avoid making myself barf, and I fall asleep on the couch. And I do have a therapy appointment coming up, but it's not until Tuesday, and I've got to break in a new damn therapist since Dr. H. bailed.

It's not like I resent her for leaving; it's just that she already understands why losing H.M. is so hard on me. I don't have to explain. With Dr. R., I'll have to give him the breakdown of our entire relationship, and there's still a chance (a good one) that he'll just see it as your standard breakup when really it's so, so much more.

It's such a scary thought that I can't take care of myself. I'm 27 fucking years old; I'm old enough to eat right and get to fucking bed on time. But throw a guy into it...

That's really not fair, though. Hot Mess is more than a guy, he's a friend and an ex and a man I love and a person I care about and a person who took care of me.

And I guess part of me wonders, if I'm not worth it enough for anyone in my life to stay around and look out for me, what's the point in looking out for myself?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ok you havent blogged since 5/13... so i thought i'd check in to see how you were getting along without HM

This is sooo weird... doing the "checking in" thing with cyber people. Eh, what can ya do?

And dont feel bad, I'm 35yo and I still cant manage to get to bed when I should and eat healthy. I eat way more crap than I should. My ass is working on getting its own zip code. I'm about there. :)